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Lightyear: Origin Story of The Buzz Lightyear Movie Plot, Cast, Trailer & Release Date


Lightyear is an upcoming computer-animated science fiction action-adventure film produced and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is a spin-off of the Toy Story film series, serving as the origin story for the fictional test pilot/astronaut character who inspired the Buzz Lightyear toy/action figure featured in the main films, and is presented as a blockbuster film within a blockbuster film the Toy Story characters would watch.

We have all the facts you need to know, including the plot, cast and crew, and release date. In this article, we’ll cover the cast, the plot, and the trailer. If you’re eager to see the film, keep reading to find out everything you need to know! We’ll also have a look at the Lightyear movie trailer. Follow CENTRALFALLOUT for more updates on television, movies, and web-series

Lightyear: Origin Story of The Buzz Lightyear Movie Plot, Cast, Trailer & Release Date


This concept was first explored in the 2000 direct-to-video film Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins, which served as the pilot episode for a spin-off television series, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000–2001).

The film was co-written and directed by Angus MacLane, Keke Palmer, Peter Sohn, James Brolin, Taika Waititi, Dale Soules, Uzo Aduba, Mary McDonald-Lewis, Efren Ramirez, and Isiah Whitlock Jr. are featured in supporting roles.

The film portrays the tale of Buzz Lightyear, a young astronaut who, after being marooned on a hostile planet with his commander and crew, searches for a path back home through space and time while also facing a threat to the universe’s survival.

The animators intended to give the picture a “cinematic” and “chunky” appearance to imitate the sci-fi movies that the filmmaker grew up watching. The film’s score was composed by Michael Giacchino.

Lightyear Movie Plot

The Buzz Lightyear movie plot begins with the iconic Space Ranger marooned on a dangerous planet, and the unlikely trio of Alisha Hawthorne, an ambitious recruit, and their lovable robot companion cat, Sox.

However, a mysterious villain is known as the Zurg, an imposing presence with an army of robotic soldiers who threatens to destroy the planet and put all of humanity in danger. The film follows Buzz Lightyear and his crew as they try to escape the planet and save their friends.

The film is a retelling of the Toy Story franchise. Chris Evans plays the original Buzz Lightyear, which inspired the action figure of the same name in the Toy Story movies. In the first film,

Buzz performs a test flight for Star Command, where he accidentally time travels 62 years into the future. While searching for a way home, he comes across a threatening enemy: the evil Emperor Zurg. His mission is to prevent a catastrophic event that will destroy the universe, and only Buzz can save it.

Lightyear Movie Cast And Crew

The movie cast is set to be much bigger than the toy line – Chris Evans will voice Buzz Lightyear, the titular character. In addition to Evans, Patrick Warburton, and Javier Fernandez-Pena have been cast as part of the supporting cast.

  • Chris Evans as Buzz Lightyear, a test pilot who later becomes the legendary Space Ranger.
  • Keke Palmer as Izzy Hawthorne, Alisha’s granddaughter, who Buzz meets.
  • Keira Hairston as a young Izzy
  • Peter Sohn as Sox, a robotic cat and Buzz’s companion.
  • James Brolin as Emperor Zurg
  • Taika Waititi as Mo Morrison
  • Dale Soules as Darby Steel
  • Uzo Aduba as Alisha Hawthorne, Buzz’s best friend, commanding officer, and Izzy’s grandmother.
  • Mary McDonald-Lewis as I.V.A.N.
  • Efren Ramirez as Diaz
  • Isiah Whitlock Jr. as Commander Burnside
  • Tim Peake as “Tim from Mission Control”

Lightyear Movie Trailer

The Buzz Lightyear movie trailer is out, and the first two minutes look like a riot! The movie is set to hit theaters on June 17, 2022. Fans should prepare to scream, “Yeeeeeeeeee!” and laugh with glee.

The trailer also shows some of the many ways Lightyear can break out of his sphere. This video features clips of the movie, as well as the movie poster.

The film is part of the Pixar and Toy Story universe and stars Chris Evans as the titular toy. Lightyear is directed by Angus MacLane, a veteran of Pixar who was also the co-director of Finding Dory.

The film is also produced by Galyn Susman and Michael Giacchino, who composed the score for the recent “Spider-Man: Far From Home” sequel.

Lightyear Movie Release Date

The next Pixar movie, Lightyear, will hit theaters on June 17, 2022. The film is directed by Angus MacLane and produced by Galyn Susman. Peter Docter, Andrew Stanton, Joe Ranft, and John Lasseter are among the writers for the movie.

The cast includes Sarah Silverman, Chris Messina, and Josh Cooley. The film is the first of Pixar’s Star Wars franchise and is expected to be the company’s sixth film.

The release date for the fourth installment of the Pixar franchise is unknown at this time. Disney has confirmed that the film will be released on June 17, 2022, but they have not released the exact date yet.

The movie will also be available on Disney+ and home video later, though there have been no official announcements about when the film will be released. However, Disney is keeping their cards close to its chest and will wait to see how well the film does at the box office.

When Will Lightyear Movie Available On Disney Plus?

While Lightyear will debut on Disney+ before the film hits theaters, it won’t be released in both cinemas and streaming services at the same time.

Disney has been pushing towards a 45-day release window for movies, and this new practice could mean the movie will arrive on Disney+ around August 1, 2022. If the release date of Lightyear does slip, don’t worry: the movie is still in development.

The Lightyear film is the second installment of the Toy Story series. The story centers on the iconic space ranger Buzz Lightyear and his adventures. In this sequel to Toy Story, he encounters time travel and his enemy Emperor Zurg.

Lightyear is a fan favorite, and the new movie is expected to hit theaters in June of 2022. Once the film lands on television, fans will be able to judge whether it meets expectations.

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