
Don’t tell that ‘Happy Yom Kippur’: How to greet someone for observing the Jewish Day of Atonement



Don’t tell that ‘Happy Yom Kippur’: How to greet someone for observing the Jewish Day of Atonement: Hi, Friends Today I am going to share some interesting information on the topic of Yom Kippur greeting and what do you say on yom kippurDon’t tell that ‘Happy Yom Kippur’: How to greet someone for observing the Jewish Day of Atonement. Please go through the article and enjoy reading it.

Corrections and clarifications: An earlier version of this story spell wrongly the name of the chief program officer. At the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. Her name is Becky Sobelman-Stern.

Yom Kippur, which is observed from sundown Sunday to sundown Monday. It is considered the holiest day of the year in Judaism. It is a high holiday that follows Rosh Hashanah. The Jewish New Year.


But it is not exactly a “happy” holiday. So don’t tell someone “Happy Yom Kippur.”

“This is not a day of loud and harsh raucous laughter and partying,” says Becky Sobelman-Stern. The chief program officer at the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. “Yom Kippur is not about being happy. But it is about thinking. It is about self-examination.”

Yom Kippur translates from Hebrew to English. As the Day of Atonement. Traditionally, Jews spent the holiday fasting. They are reflecting on sins committed over the past year.


Even if one is not Jewish. Then one can acknowledge the holiday. It is indeed respectful to share well wishes to friends and colleagues. Who does observe this holy day?

So, what should one say or write? There are some options.

The traditional Yom Kippur greeting

yom kippur greeting

“G’mar Chatima Tova” is the customary greeting on Yom Kippur. In the English language, it means “May one be sealed in the Book of Life.”

According to Jewish tradition, one’s power beyond human control is decided on Rosh Hashanah. It is sealed on Yom Kippur.


“Our lives are in the balance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Depending on how we act.” Says Rabbi Andrea London of Beth Emet synagogue in Evanston, Illinois.

“The fully righteous are marked with characters. In the Book of Life for the year. The entirely evil is not inscribed. The rest of us need to work to make it more accurate. Make sure we have more good works than bad. If we want to be sealed for another year of life.” She adds.

Rabbi Sarah Krinsky of Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, DC, says “Not many moderns hold this literal theology.” She is among them. But that does not stop her from sending the message. “G’mar Chatima Tova” for Yom Kippur.


Of note: The “ch” sound in “Chatima” is not pronounced like the English word “chat.” Unless it should sound more like a harsh-sounding utterance from the throat. Like a backward snore. Because it comes from the Hebrew letter Chet. “G’mar Hatima Tov” is also acceptable to say.

A simple Yom Kippur greeting

“Have an easy fast” might sound like an odd thing to say. But it is “very much appreciated,” says the Sobelman-Stern.

“That is what the holiday is all about.

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Taking away all pleasurable things for the day. So one can repent and take account of yourself.” She says.

One can also wish someone a meaningful fast. Traditionally, people who observe the Yom Kippur. Neither eat nor drink for around 25 hours. With the not done on purpose of children.

Those for whom fasting is dangerous. Once the period of fasting ends. It is a time to break the fast with breakfast foods like bagels and egg dishes.


Yom Kippur Greeting that works through the month of October

Yom Kippur Greeting

“L’shana Tova” or “Shana Tova,” means “have a good year.” It is a proper greeting on the Jewish New Year. It also fitting to say on Yom Kippur.

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Through the holiday Sukkot. It goes from the month of October 2 to October 9.

One may notice that the words “Tova” and “Chatima” are sometimes written “Tovah” and “Chatimah.” Those spellings with H’s. These are in English, the process of transferring a word from the alphabet of one language to another. On the Hebrew words.

These are also correct and take account of the Hebrew letter Hei. This can have an H sound or be silent at the end of Hebrew words.


Make sure that one should message at the right time

The Orthodox Jews and many other observers of Yom Kippur. They avoid using technology during the holiday. So if one should want to share a message. Make a phone call that is answered ahead of the day of fasting. Then send it before Sunday evening. After the sundown, Monday, and after the fast has been broken.

So, this is the important information on the topic of Don’t tell that ‘Happy Yom Kippur’: How to greet someone for observing the Jewish Day of Atonement.

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