This remarkable anime follows Eren Yeager as he embarks on an apocalyptic quest to destroy all Titans responsible for destroying his hometown and taking away his parents.
Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 4 [Part 3(part 2)] has an official release date
Titan fans will want to buckle up their seatbelts for the thrilling conclusion of Attack on Titan with an action-packed year end. This captivating anime follows Eren Yeager as he embarks on his mission to destroy all Titans who destroyed his hometown and took away his parents.
Fans weren’t expecting an immediate release of AoT; rather, they thought it would come out gradually over a longer period of time. Now it has been officially confirmed that Part 2 of the final Attack on Titan season will air in the Fall of 2023.
Season 4 of AoT was split into three parts and has been for the last three years. Part 1 went live in December 2020, followed by Part 2 in January 2022 and Part 3 [Part 3(Part 1)] in March 2023; finally, the final part (Part 4)) will air in Fall 2023.
On the official website for AoT, they announced that Part 2 will be released in Fall 2023 and provided a brief tease with a 36second clip.
MAPPA also altered the title name. What should have been Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 3 had aired in March 2023 instead became Season 4 Part 3, with parts 1 and 2 dropped as episodes.
Fans of Attack on Titan have already read the manga and know how it ends, but anticipation for its conclusion continues to build. When the original anime series began airing in 2013, it quickly became a must-watch for anime enthusiasts worldwide.
Attack on Titan: the Last Chapter: Special 1 has earned an impressive 9.0 rating on IMDb, while Midnight Sun sits at 9.9 according to IMDb.
Fans can experience this highly anticipated anime on-demand!