Pankaj Gola
The Suspenseful Marketing of the Shadow of the Cat Trailer: A...
The Shadow of the Cat is a British horror film directed by John Gilling and released in 1961. The plot revolves around Ella, an...
Blue Lock Has Reinvented the Sports Anime Genre
Haikyuu!! and Blue Lock have stood out as among the finest sports-based anime titles ever. Though each focuses on volleyball or soccer, these series...
Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume No Tojimari Is Finally Releasing Globally
Suzume no Tojimari, Makoto Shinkai's latest anime film, hits global screens on April 12, 2023 - don't miss out! For release dates in your...
Demon Slayer, a Japanese Anime Show on OTT Has Captured Netizens’...
Demon Slayer, a Japanese TV show based on an iconic Manga, is now streaming online. After an attack from demonic forces leaves Tanjiro's family...
Is Dead Mount Death Play the Next Hit of the Spring...
Dead Mount Death Play anime is an isekai drama in which a corpse god necromancer switches bodies with a high school boy, based on...
Paul Furlan Died: Know What Happened To Him
Here we share with you sad and shocking news: famous Belgian Walloon politician Paul Furlan has passed away at 60. His passing news spread...
Sun Devil Jon Rahm Wins the 87th Masters Tournament
Trading Maroon and Gold for the Green Jacket
Jon Rahm has earned himself the title of champion at the 87th Masters Tournament after shooting 12-under...
After Six Years Of Dating, Taylor Swift And Joe Alwyn Reportedly...
Reports indicate that Taylor Swift and actor Joe Alwyn have amicably ended their relationship, according to reports. According to reports, American singer Taylor Swift...
Youtuber Armaan Malik And His Second Wife Kritika born A Kid,...
New Delhi, Alert! We have some exciting news. Armaan Malik, a popular YouTuber, and his second wife Kritika Malik welcomed their first child together....