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Cómo hacer que te pasen cosas buenas: el libro que transformará tu vida


Are You Wanting a Happier, Successful, and Fulfilling Life? Do You Wish to Understand How Positive Thinking Can Transform Reality? If this sounds like something you’d be interested in learning about then read on – I have something exciting planned just for you.

If any of the questions above apply to you, then read “How to Make Good Things Happen” by Marian Rojas Estape, a psychiatrist and expert in emotional well-being. In it you’ll find an engaging guide designed to help understand and control your brain while enriching life experiences.

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que pasen

What is the book about?

This book begins from the premise that happiness is something we create through our attitudes, actions, and habits. Drawing upon scientific, psychological, and human perspectives as well as offering useful exercises to apply ourselves and achieve a full and fulfilling existence is central to its content.

This book includes topics such as:

  • How to optimize specific areas of our brain that control emotions, motivation, and decision-making.
  • Setting life goals and exercising willpower to pursue them.
  • How to access our emotional intelligence, as well as develop skills such as assertiveness, empathy and resilience.

Reclaiming optimism as part of your daily routine, including using positive affirmations, gratitude and humor as tools to overcome challenges and difficulties.

Why should you read the book?

This book is not only educational, but transformative as well. It will assist you to:

  • Gain a deeper insight into yourself, your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Gain knowledge to manage stress, anxiety, depression and any other mental health conditions which affect quality of life.
  • Discover ways to alter your mindset, beliefs and habits to create more positive outcomes and opportunities.
  • Build stronger relationships by improving communication and socialization skills among your relationships; while discovering meaning in life through finding purposeful passion-filled purposeful living.

How Can I Access This Book?

The book is currently only available in Spanish, and can be obtained online from several platforms like Amazon, Casa del Libro, or Alibrate. Additionally, book summaries and reviews of it may also be found online through sites such as Bookey or Unlimited Libros.

f you’re searching for an inspiring, empowering book to teach you how to make good things happen in life, then “How to Make Good Things Happen” by Marian Rojas Estape is sure to transform it. It will bring hope, empowerment and practical guidance that could change everything for the better in your life.

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