Home News Zachary Latham: The Teen Who Killed His Neighbor for Online Fame

Zachary Latham: The Teen Who Killed His Neighbor for Online Fame


Zachary Latham was an 18-year-old TikToker who garnered fame and followers by posting videos showing his feud with his neighbors, the Durham family in Vineland, New Jersey. However, Latham’s quest for viral fame became deadly when he stabbed William Durham Sr. of their family to death in May 2020 in self-defense; Latham denied this allegation while their lawyers accused him of murder and harassment and filed charges against him accordingly – ultimately leading to what became known as his “Nasty Neighbor Trial”, which concluded successfully by April 2023 with all counts being found not guilty on all charges being dismissed and dismissed altogether

The Feud Between Zachary Latham and Durhams

Zachary Latham
Zachary Latham

Zachary Latham and Catherine Durham became estranged during an April 2020 encounter where Catherine confronted Latham about his speeding on their street, leading him to record it and upload it onto TikTok as “Karen”. This video went viral, garnering over 3 million views and over 40K followers for Latham.

As Latham posted videos mocking and taunting Durhams, tension between their two families intensified further. Latham threatened to reveal their address if his new video received 1 million views and posted one with him holding a gun – all under the caption, “this is how you handle neighbors”.

The Durhams attempted to seek assistance from authorities; however, they were informed that due to coronavirus pandemic conditions the courts were closed for filing complaints against Latham and that neither police nor prosecutor’s offices provided updates about possible cyber harassment charges against her.

The Fatal Stabbing of William Durham Sr.

On May 4, 2020, Zachary Latham escalated his feud against Durham when he lured them to his house by sending taunting text messages and setting up cameras inside and outside his garage with both knives and stun guns ready. Additionally, Sarah Latham recorded everything using her phone.

As soon as the Durhams arrived, an argument took place between Latham and William Durham Sr. – father of his family – his two sons William Jr. and Gage; Latham attacked William Sr. with multiple stab wounds to his chest, back, arm, puncturing both lung and heart while using stun guns on William Jr. and Gage; William Sr. later died shortly after being taken to hospital.

Latham stated he acted out of self-defense, fearing for both his own and his wife’s lives and safety. According to Latham, the Durhams initially attacked him and that no intention existed in killing anyone; rather he sought to document their harassment of himself and others via TikTok fame.

The Trial and the Verdict

Latham was charged with second-degree reckless manslaughter, aggravated assault, and weapons offenses following his trial that began on March 2023 and concluded three weeks later. During his trial, the prosecution presented evidence from TikTok videos, texts messages, phone recordings as well as phone call recordings showing that Latham was the aggressor, intentionally provoked William Sr for social media attention before killing him for himself without showing remorse for what they described as an intentional killing with no regret expressed on Latham’s part during this ordeal.

The defense argued that Latham was the victim and had every right to defend himself and his property from the Durhams, who had harassed and threatened him for weeks. They presented evidence from security cameras, 911 calls, medical records and medical reports as proof of Latham’s injuries and fear. Furthermore, they challenged credibility and motives of both Durham family members as well as lawyers representing them who filed civil suit against Latham for damages.

The jury deliberated for approximately four hours before returning a not guilty verdict on all counts. Latham was exonerated of all charges and left court free, although Judge Peter Gwin said there were no winners in this case; rather he insisted Latham still needed to bear responsibility for his actions and live with their consequences. Afterward, Durham family expressed their displeasure at this decision while promising justice through civil litigation proceedings.

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