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How to Write an Argumentative Essay


An argument essay consists of an argument with strong evidence to prove the claim. It needs factual and logical support without getting combative. Thereby, it needs appropriate preparation and a trained mind to write a persuasive essay. Below are given a few practical tips to help you write a brilliantly convincing argumentative essay.

Begin with an Engaging Introduction

Like all other essays, argumentative essays begin with an introduction at first. This section should be attention-grabbing and encompassing all essential elements like hook, background and thesis statement. 

The hook is the opening line of any essay, working as an attractive vista to the rest part of the material. It can be a proverb, an engaging question, anecdote, etc. the more magnetizing a hook will be, the higher the level of curiosity of the reader will be to read the rest of the essay.

Background information is necessary to equip the reader with the details of your topic. It lets them know what your argument and the way you need to inject it into the reader’s mind is. You should keep this information brief and coherent to keep the introduction paragraph short.

The thesis statement is the final sentence of your introduction part in an argumentative essay. It gives a one-line overview of the essay with the argument you are working on. The thesis statement must be concise, clear and comprehensible.

For some learners, these elements of argumentative essays might still be confusing and herculean tasks to do. For them, there is plenty of online custom writing companies working for a fraction of the price. You can ask them to do your essay; meanwhile, you can have fun, party and rest.

Mark an Outline of Your Key Point

It is said that “failing to plan is planning to fail. So, you need a proper plan to do anything easily and conveniently. As an argumentative essay is a hard nut to crack, you cannot get a hundred percent results without planning. If you are learning how to start an argumentative essay, the answer is ‘by scheming an outline’. It may be a difficult task to organize your draft with an outline, but once you are done, you have to follow the pre-set things and smoothly process your paper. There are various advantages of setting an outline to begin your essay, as given below:

  • First of all, it teaches you how to write an argumentative essay step by step.
  • Through an outline, the writer can conveniently unite all details of the argumentative essay to support the claim in the thesis.
  • It also gives you the chance to manipulate concepts to accomplish a lucid essay.
  • Besides, it saves your time because you work smoothly with more understanding of your topic.
  • It gives you a simple, easy and clear argumentative essay structure to complete the work.

Provide Sufficient Examples or Evidence to Convince the Reader


An argumentative essay contains a claim to appeal to readers’ reason or logic. You cannot convince him/her without supplying essential nutrition to thought to believe in your point. Therefore, you have to collect hard factual evidence or examples to outwit the reader with different ideas. You can collect this evidence for an argumentative essay from different sources like the recorded lectures, course material and outside works. For example, you can research the relevant information on Google and state it in the body paragraphs to support your point with in-text citation so that your reader may get sure that everything given by you is authentic and verifiable. Also, numeric data can help your reader understand your point more accurately, so you must incorporate it if possible. In a nutshell, without appropriate examples or evidence, while writing an argumentative essay, you cannot turn the reader’s mind to thumb up your approach to something in the essay.

Sum up Your Topic in Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part of your argumentative essay format. It must be succinct and appealing as an introduction. In the final part of the essay, you summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. By emphasizing the claim in the thesis statement, you restate the argument with positive influence like you have already convinced the reader. Although the conclusion is the last part of the essay, you can write it beforehand. There are three ways to write the conclusion as given below:

  1. Write the outline of your conclusion when you format the structure of your argumentative essay.
  2. Leave your introduction and conclusion to be done at the end of the task, and then write your introduction at the end and then the conclusion.
  3. Write this section at the end of the essay, summarizing the main points in the body and restating the thesis statement with a deeper understanding of the topic.

Ask Someone to Proofread

Proofreading is the final step while writing argumentative essays. It helps you get a clearer, error-free copy of your document before final submission. A well-written argumentative essay without proofreading may get shockingly negative feedback from your professor. Although important, proofreading is not a complicated task. You can proofread your essay yourself by loudly uttering all the words and giving a more attentive glance to spelling mistakes. But, if you are too afraid to go through this step yourself, there are various ways to get your essay proofread from outside sources:

Ask Your Elders

If somebody from your family or friends is capable of proofreading documents, ask for their help. They will notify you where you need improvement, and you can create a better copy of the essay before submission to the college.

Get Help from Online Custom Writers

If nobody from your friends or family is available to do this little favour, get help from online custom writing companies. They are 24/7 available to carry out your orders, whether it is outlining, drafting or proofreading. You can hire them to do your task in the minimum time allocated by you. Millions of students from all around the world use their service to get hundred percent accurate copies of argumentative essays.

Use Online Proofreading Software

If you think that online custom writers are not affordable or reliable, you can do proofreading in no time by using online software for this purpose. You can get either free or premium access to these applications as per your resources to remove mistakes from an argumentative essay. On a couple of clicks, they will proofread the essay and suggest you improve it even more.

Finally, argumentative essays are tough to handle. But, when you have a proper plan, outline and proofreading resources, it will be much easy and convenient. So, attempt your task by following the instructions given above to meet the requirements of your professor for A+.

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