Home News The TB12 Method by Tom Brady Is Hefty but Short on Science

The TB12 Method by Tom Brady Is Hefty but Short on Science


The New England Patriots durable and successful quarterback Tom Brady has published a book pliable. It’s called “The TB12 Method: How to achieve a lifetime of sustained peak performance.” It’s large and handsome and includes photographs of Tom Brady.

Is this a book you should buy? It all depends on your feelings about science, branding, and tomatoes.

 Tom Brady
Tom Brady

This book, written by Brady with ghostwriter Peter Smith, is not an autobiography. It is a self-help book for celebrities that describes the TB12 Method, an exercise program and nutrition program Mr. Brady created with Alex Guerrero (his business partner, friend, and “body coach”).

The TB12 Method is named after Mr. Brady’s jersey number and initials. It was based on the theory of Mr. Guerrero that in order to have good health and long athletic performance, our muscles must be flexible. He and Mr. Brady claim that pliable muscles are soft and not as dense. According to the book, stiff, rigid muscles can be easily injured because they aren’t resilient and can tear during exercise. Soft, flexible muscles, on the other hand, absorb the impacts and stresses that happen during everyday life, Mr. Brady writes. For example, when a 300-pound player slams into your side.

He writes that he is thinking “only lengthen, soften, and disperse” at the moment.

Brady attributes a lot of his long and unusually long N.F.L. career to this kind of self-talk and muscular pliability. This kind of gnomic self-talk and his muscular flexibilities are the main reasons for Brady’s long career and relatively low playing time due to injuries. He says that most people aren’t flexible and that our workouts don’t help. pliable He writes that standard weight training and conditioning exercises such as sprinting and running tighten and harden muscles. This can lead to injury.

C.T.E. and Head Injuries Sports

C.T.E. explained: This degenerative brain disease is most commonly associated with the N.F.L. It has been seen in players but also in other athletes. Here are some things to consider.

One Man’s Crusade – Using a confrontational style that he learned in the ring as W.W.E. Dr. Christopher Nowinski, a wrestler, is challenging the sports leagues to recognize the connection between concussions & C.T.E.

pliable One hit after another: Kathleen Bajgrowicz’s former N.F.L. player was the father of Kathleen Bajgrowicz. At 38, he died. Doctors concluded that he had C.T.E. An equivalent settlement might have offered some comfort, but that was not possible.

Football Stardom’s Toll: At most four of Alabama’s great teams from the 1960s had C.T.E. At their deaths. It is also expected in other players by researchers.

We should instead do less weight training and conditioning, and more of…something else. It is “targeted, deep force muscle work,” Mr. Brady writes. Think of it as a deep, thorough massage. But, in my case, I use complex techniques that are based on my understanding of biomechanics. pliable These techniques allow me to throw a football, and function at my peak level as an athlete who accelerates and decelerates, cuts, and runs, as well as daily activities that complement my off-field lifestyle.

Did you get it? Me, neither. As the book continues, Mr. Brady & Mr. Guerrero simplify and amplify their instructions. They state that massage alone does not create pliability. Mr. Brady explains that you must contract your muscles and stretch them while simultaneously pushing and pulling them. pliable recommends using vibrating foam rollers or vibrating balls. These can be purchased at The TB12 Method’s online store for $150 or more.

This notion has a problem because exercise science has never heard about muscle pliability.

Stuart Phillips, McMaster University professor in Hamilton, Ontario, and expert in muscle physiology, says “It’s foolish.”

He says that muscles that are weak tend to be sick. He says, “When people do very little, such as during bed rest, their muscles become very soft.”

Mr. Brady and Mr. Guerrero did not conduct or publish clinical trials on muscle pliability. No one else has. Only one experiment was found in the vast PubMed online repository of scientific literature. It concerned the effectiveness of different embalming techniques.

Sections on nutrition and diet in the book lack supporting evidence. However, this is not common sense. Brady suggests that we avoid sugary foods, and other processed carbs, much like him. pliable  The TB12 Method recommends a plant-based, organic, and locally sourced diet.

However, it also suggests that we avoid foods from the nightshade family (including tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and strawberries), and instead eat foods high in alkalinities, such as artichokes and dandelion leaves. We should also cut back on foods that raise blood acid, like butter, cheese, beef, salmon, and butter.

This book does not provide any explanations or justifications for these dietary choices by Mr. Brady. We need to consult the separate TB12 nutrition manual (available at tb12store.com for $200).

The majority of mainstream nutrition science is okay with tomatoes, but does not recommend alkaline diets. Artichokes can be healthy, but not because they reduce the acidity in our blood (which most advocates of alkaline diets claim to have for these foods). For that, we have kidneys.

It is worth noting, however, that Mr. Guerrero (a self-taught fitness guru) has been twice investigated by the Federal Trade Commission for making unsubstantiated claims about his products, including a nutritional supplement that claimed to protect athletes from concussions. His past is not mentioned in the book.

The TB12 Method has its merits. The book’s tone feels humble and encouraging. Brady begins his most outrageous health claims with qualifiers like “I believe” and “This is how it works for me.”

The book also contains useful textual and photographic instructions for numerous body-weight resistance exercises. Many of these are done with resistance bands. pliable  The TB12 Method branded set can be purchased at the company’s site for $160

These exercises may be able to improve flexibility, a muscle attribute that actually exists, and joint range of motion according to Malachy McHugh who is the director of research at Lenox Hill Hospital’s Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma in New York City.

Dr. McHugh states that it is crucial to maintain function as we age by using interventions that preserve the functional ranges of motion for a number of muscle groups.

According to my bathroom scale, “The TB12 Method,” the physical book is three pounds. This makes it a good weight for light resistance training.

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