Tokyo Revengers Mikey: Manjiro Sano, better known as “Toman” or “Mikey” in the manga series, is Tokyo Revengers’ deuteragonist and final antagonist. A founding member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. An extremely talented martial artist. He learned the art of kung fu from his grandfather, who trained him in the dojo. He possesses an unmatched physique and is an essential member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Follow CENTRALFALLOUT for updates on anime and manga series.
Tokyo Revengers Manjiro “Mikey” Sano Character Overview & Facts
Manjiro Sano
Manjiro Sano, better known as “Toman” or “Mikey” in the manga series, is Tokyo Revengers’ deuteragonist and final antagonist. A founding member of the Tokyo Manji Gang, Mikey is the younger brother of Shinichiro Sano.
He also founded the Black Dragons, to which he has a connection. He is the half-brother of Emma Sano and has a deep-set hatred for the Shinichiro Gang.
Despite his young age, Mikey is still an extremely talented martial artist. He learned the art of kung fu from his grandfather, who trained him in the dojo.
He possesses an unmatched physique and is an essential member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. His hair is tied at the top and moves freely in the original timeline. Mikey’s hair is a darker shade of black, and he rides a CB205T motorcycle.
Manjiro is the leader of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
Manjiro Sano, aka Mikey, is the founding member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. He is a sloppy teenager who enjoys playing pranks, especially around close friends.
He is also very fond of food, especially Dorayaki and Omurice, fish-shaped cakes with red bean paste inside. This makes him a formidable foe.
Mikey is the younger brother of Shinichiro, a gang member who is well-known for his knowledge of motorbikes. His name means “ten thousand,” “next,” and son.
His nickname Sano, a combination of “field” and Michael, means ‘help’ and “wilderness.’ He loves the Japanese cuisine Dorayaki and Taiyaki, two delicious fish-shaped cakes filled with red bean paste.
Mikey is a charismatic leader.
Mikey is a charismatic leader of Toumon’s Tokyo Manji Gang. He is the mastermind behind the group’s activities and is highly respected by the gang’s members.
Aside from being charismatic, Mikey is also fearsome and is capable of winning over his gang members with a single kick. In the series, Mikey becomes the main antagonist in the second season.
The series begins with Mikey forming a gang with Toman. He amplifies the gang’s strength, and Toman’s gang members fear him.
However, Mikey is also a kind and protective leader who worries about Toman’s well-being, despite his lack of experience in the crime world. As a result, he is also regarded as a hero by other delinquent groups.
He has a strong sense of intuition.
Mikey’s president of the Tokyo Manji gang is also a strong and confident leader. The team was created to deal with rival gangs. Mikey’s strong sense of intuition has led him to position himself at the top of the underworld in Shibuya.
A sense of instinct is a vital attribute of a great leader. In this way, he can see his true potential in people and use it to his advantage.
The strong sense of intuition that Mikey has allows him to detect the true intentions of his friends. For example, Mikey deduced Mitsuya’s will to find his family on Christmas night.
He later claims that Baji and his big brother guided him. This ability is unique in a character like Mikey, who can recognize that a friend is not what they seem.
He is attracted to Takemichi.
In the original timeline, Takemichi and Mikey never meet. However, during a 1v1 fight, Takemichi saves Mikey and takes a shine to him. Both men eventually become close friends.
Takemichi initially fears Mikey, but he comes to respect him once he understands his true nature. Takemichi is one of Mikey’s most prominent supporters and is ultimately his guiding light.
In the original timeline, Hinata was the only girl Takemichi had ever known. After Hinata died, he was devastated. That is one of the main reasons Takemichi decides to change his life and go back in time to save her.
In the alternate timeline, Hinata had broken up with him, but he learns to appreciate her in this version. Takemichi did not care for her much when he was younger, but Hinata had a profound impact on him after going back in time.
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