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Stratified Random Sampling- Meaning, Example, Advantages & Disadvantages



Stratified Random Sampling: Hi, Friends Today, I will share more enjoyable information on Stratified Random Sampling.

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What is Stratified Random Sampling?

It is a sampling method that involves dividing a population into more minor a subdivision of a group called Strata. For example, in a Stratified Random Sampling or Stratification, the strata are forms on members’ shares qualities or characteristics like Income or Educational skills.


Stratified Random Sampling is called Proportional Random Sampling and Exported Random Sampling.

Key Takeaways

1. Stratified Random Sampling allows the researchers to get a sample population. That is best represents the entire population that studied.
2. Stratified Random Sampling involves dividing the entire population into similar groups is called Strata.
3. Stratified Random Sampling changes from Simple Random Sampling. It involves the unfamiliar selection of data from a whole population. So the possible sample is equally likely to take place.

How the Stratified Random Sampling is works

When completing an analysis or research on a group of existence with the same characteristics, the researcher may find that the population size is too large to conduct research. Consequently, an Analyst may take on a more probable approach to save time and money by selecting a small group from the population.


The small group states that it is a part of many people representing the entire population as a sample size. A sample may select from a person through some ways, one of which is the stratified random sampling method.

Stratified Random Sampling is involved in dividing the entire population into the same groups called Strata (plural for stratum). Random samples are then selecting from per stratum. For example, find an Academic Researcher who would like to know the number of MBA Students in 2007. They receive a job offer within three months of graduation.

He soon to find that there were almost 200,000 MBA graduates for the year. He may decide to take a Simple Random Sample of 50,000 graduates and runs a survey. Still better, he could divide the population into Strata.


He takes a random sample from the strata. First, he would create the population groups on Gender, Age Range, Race, Country of Nationality, and Career Background. Then, a random sample from each stratum is taking in a number proportional to the stratum’s size comparing to the population. These parts of a large group of the strata are then collected to form a random sample.

Necessary: Stratified Sampling using essential differences between groups in a population. Instead of simple random selection. That treats all members of a people as equal with an equal probability of being sampled.

The Example of Stratified Random Sampling

Suppose a research team wants to cause the GPA of college students across the United States. Moreover, the research team has difficulty in collecting data from all 21 million college students. Therefore, it decides to sample the population by using 4,000 students indiscriminately.


Now take that the team looks at the different features of the sample participants. Surprise if there are any differences in GPAs and students’ majors. For example, suppose it finds that 560 students are English majors, 1,135 are Science majors, 800 are Computer Science majors, 1,090 are Engineering majors, and 415 are Math majors.

Then the team wants to use a Proportional Stratified Random Sample. There the stratum of the model is proportional to the random sampling’s population.

Predict the team researches the demographics of college students in the United States. They find the percentage of what the students major in 12% major in English, 28% major in Science, 24% major in Computer Science, 21% major in Engineering, and 15% major in Mathematics. Therefore, five strata create from the Stratified Random Sampling’s Process.


The team then needs to confirm the population’s level in proportion to the story in the sample. Moreover, it finds the balances not equal. The team then needs to re-sample the 4,000 students from the population; select 480 English, 1,120 science, 960 computer science, 840 engineering, and 600 mathematics students.

It is a proportionate stratified random sample of college students. Thus, it provides a better representation of students’ college majors in the United States. The researchers then make a specific stratum.

Next, observe the nature studies of the United States. College students and keep the different grade point’s averages.


Simple Random Versus Stratified Random Samples

Simple Random Samples and Stratified Random Samples statistical measurement tools. A simple random sample to representing the whole data population. Stratified random sampling is dividing the population into smaller groups, or strata, on shares characteristics.

A Random simple sample is frequently using when there is very little information available on the data population when the data population has far too many differences to divide into various subsets or only one distinct feature among the data population.

For example, a candy company may want to study its customers’ buying habits to cause the future of its product line. Suppose there are 10,000 customers; it may choose 100 of those customers as an unfamiliar sample.


It then applies what it finds from those 100 customers to the rest of its base. Unlike the arrangements, it will sample 100 members purely at random without any regard for their qualities.

The Proportionate and Disproportionate Stratification

Stratified Random Sampling makes sure that per subgroup of a given population is acceptable. Extent represents within the whole sample population of a research study. Stratification can be proportionate or disproportionate. In a proportional stratifies method, the sample size of each stratum is proportionate to the population’s length of the stratum.

For instance, suppose the researcher wants a sample of 50,000 graduates using the age variety. In that case, the proportionate stratifies random sampling will get using the formula. Sample size or population size x stratum size. The table below guesses a population size of 180,000 MBA’s graduates each year.


The Strata sample size for MBA’s graduates in the age range of 24 to 28 is calculates as (50,000 or 180,000) x 90,000 = 25,000. The same method using for the other age variety groups, now that the strata sample size is known. The researcher performs simple random sampling in each stratum to select the survey participants.

In other words, 25,000 graduates from the age groups of 24 to 28 will choose indiscriminately from the entire population of 16,667 graduates from the 29 to 33 age. They are selecting from the population discriminately and going on.

In a too-large stratified sample, the size of each stratum is not proportional to its height in the population. For example, the researcher may decide to sample 1/2 of the 34 to 37 age group graduates—one-third of the graduates within the age group of 29 to 33.


It’s important to note that one person cannot fit into Multiple Strata. Per existence must only include one stratum. Having extending subgroups means that some individuals will have higher chances of being selected for the survey. That completely negates the concept of stratified sampling as a type of probability sampling.

Necessary: Portfolio managers use stratified random sampling to cerate’s portfolios by replicating an index like a bond index.

Advantages of Stratified Random Sampling

The chief significant advantage of stratified random sampling is that it captures vital population characteristics in the sample. Like a weigh average, this sampling method produces characters in the instance proportional to the overall population. Thus, stratified random sampling works well for people with various features but is otherwise ineffective if groups’ subdivisions cannot form.


Stratification gives a minor mistake in estimation and greater exaction than the simple random sampling’s method. The more significant differences between the strata are, the greater the gain inaccuracy.

Disadvantages of Stratified Ransom’s Sampling

Unfortunately, we cannot use the method of research in every study. The method’s disadvantage is that various conditions must meet for it to operate correctly. First, researchers must recognise every member of population studies. And classify them into one, only one, subpopulation.

As an outcome, stratified random sampling is disadvantageous when researchers cannot confidently type every member of the population into a subdivision. Also, finding a fully comprehensive and definitive list of a whole population that challenging.


Responsibility can be an issue if there are subjects that fall into multiple subdivisions. When simple random sampling performs, those in different subdivisions are more likely to choose. The outcome could be a misrepresentation or inaccurate reflection of the population.

The above examples make it easy: Undergraduate, Graduate, Male, and Female have clearly defined the groups. In other situations, moreover, it may be far more complicated. For instance, imagine incorporating features like Race, Ethnicity, or Religion.

Then, the sorting process becomes more difficult. They are rendering stratified random sampling an ineffective and more petite than suitable method.


What is the difference between Cluster and Stratified Sampling?

The main difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling is that one has natural groups. I am separating the population with Cluster Sampling. A sample is exhausted from each stratum using a Random Sampling Method, such as Simple Random Sampling or Systematic Sampling.

What are the four types of sampling methods?

There are four main types of a probability samples.
Simple random sampling. In a simple random sample, every member of the population has an equal opportunity of being selected.
Systematic sampling.
Stratified sampling.
Cluster sampling.

What is the best sampling method for qualitative research?

The two most famous sampling techniques are Purposeful and easy sampling because they arrange the best across nearly all measuring research designs. In addition, sampling techniques can uses in space with one another quickly. Alone within a measuring diploma.


What are the Three Types of Bias?

Three types of Bias can distinguish Information Bias, Selection Bias, and cause surprise. These three kinds of experience and their potential solutions are discussing using different examples.

So, it’s essential information on the topic of Stratified Random Sampling.

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Les Dieux Sont Mortaux: A Novel by Nevia Ferrara and Gift Foraine Amukoyo



Les Dieux Sont Mortaux (The Gods Are Mortal), published by Editions du Seuil in 2023, is an historical fiction novel which tells the story of two lovers, Amina and Gabriel, who become caught up in Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962).



A Cross-Cultural Romance

The novel begins in 1956 when Amina, a young Algerian woman, meets Gabriel, a French soldier in a cafe in Algiers. They instantly find each other attractive despite their differing backgrounds and allegiances: Amina belongs to the FLN (National Liberation Front), an anti-French resistance movement fighting for Algeria’s independence from France; Gabriel is sent as part of his conscription duty in Algeria to maintain order and suppress insurrection – yet they begin an illicit affair anyway, knowing it could lead to death or worse.

A Horrendous Conflict

The novel explores the horrors of Algerian War, which was marked by violence, torture, and atrocities on both sides. Amina and Gabriel witnessed first-hand the suffering caused by their enemies while also dealing with betrayal from friends and suspicion of family. Amid this chaos and fear they battled to keep their love alive despite everything.

A Tragic Destiny

The novel closes with an unexpected turn that reveals Amina and Gabriel’s fate, showing how Gods can be mortal as well as how love can both bless and curse us. Additionally, this work explores themes like identity, loyalty, freedom and destiny while raising questions regarding war’s morality, justice’s meaning, faith’s potential, as well as identity politics in general.


Les Dieux Sont Mortaux is a novel that will enthrall readers with its captivating characters, thrilling plot and poetic language. The novel will make readers consider Algeria’s history, colonialism’s legacy and challenges of cross-cultural relationships before touching readers’ hearts with emotional depth and tragic beauty.

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What You Need to Know About the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle



In this article, The New York Times Crossword Puzzle is one of the world’s most beloved and challenging word games, having been published daily since 1942 and drawing in millions of solvers with its clever clues, diverse themes, and various levels of difficulty.

If you don’t have enough time or patience to tackle full-size puzzles on their own, or need an easier introduction into taking on bigger challenges – look no further than the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle as your solution.

lite nyt crossword

lite nyt crossword

What is a Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle?

The Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle is a smaller and simpler crossword puzzle published every day on the New York Times website and app, commonly referred to as Mini Crossword.

Compared with its 15×15 squares counterpart, there are only fivex5 squares in this Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle, making it easier for all levels of expertise – both beginners and experts alike – to enjoy solving this enjoyable game Designed as fun yet accessible puzzle for everyone ranging from novices to experts alike.


Why should you try the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle?

There are various reasons for trying the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle, including:

  • Start or unwind from work in style by taking on the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle for a relaxing yet challenging way of starting or unwinding from your day Relax while sharpening your mind while improving vocabulary and spelling.
  • The Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle provides an effective way to practice crossword skills while learning new words and facts. Familiarize yourself with common crossword conventions like abbreviations, wordplay and themes before diving deeper into more difficult puzzles that feature them all at once. Plus it may introduce you to interesting topics and trivia that might otherwise remain unknown.
  • Take on an enjoyable and rewarding challenge that you can share with others – The Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle offers fun and rewarding entertainment, whether online or offline, with leaderboard results being displayed for each solver to compare against. Or put yourself up against your friends and family to see who can complete it faster or with less mistakes.

How can you access the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle?

The Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle can be found both online and on the New York Times app. You’ll find it under Games in the Games section alongside other word and logic games like Spelling Bee, Wordle, Connections Tiles Letter Boxed Vertex Sudoku as well as Sudoku. Alternatively you can access it from its main crossword page where it displays both current puzzle and an archive of past ones.

To play online however you will require an annual subscription to New York Times Games; subscriber get 50% off for their first year and gain access to all their games and puzzles plus download the app free to enjoy offline access for playing the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle offline.

What are some techniques and tips for solving the Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle?

The Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle may be easier than its regular counterpart, but still requires skill and strategy for completion. Here are a few strategies and tips that may help speed up and enhance your solution process:

  • Read each clue carefully, looking out for any keywords that indicate the type of answer it will yield. For instance, an abbreviation in a clue usually means its answer will also contain abbreviations; question marks indicate an answer may contain puns or twists; quotation marks signal an answer which might include titles or phrases as titles/phrases; any hint will do.
  • Use crossings to narrow down your search possibilities. If some letters have already been filled in, use them to eliminate wrong answers and find the ones that work. For instance, with four-letter words beginning with A and ending in E like AGUE AIDE AND ALOE it should be possible to eliminate certain answers more quickly and find ones with greater relevance.
  • Verify spelling and grammar. While sometimes the answer might seem straightforward, spelling errors or using an inappropriate tense or form may obfuscate it – for instance if the clue was “Lite”, an incorrect response could include using “LOFAT”, instead of the more suitable “LOWFAT or LO-FAT”. For best results use either Reveal or Check button to review answers before submitting them for submission.
  • Have fun and don’t give up. The Lite NYT Crossword Puzzle should be enjoyable and satisfying, not frustrating and discouraging. If you find yourself stuck, don’t be intimidated to use hints or solutions or seek assistance from others for assistance; remember the more often you play, the greater your enjoyment Remember too that more practice makes perfect.

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Digital Marketing

The Top 5 Digital Marketing Programs for Post-Graduation Study



Online presence has grown to be a crucial step in expanding brand awareness and client reach. A digital marketer coordinates resources to reach the appropriate audience, creates leads, and closes deals with them. Everyone is becoming more present online than offline as a result of the increased usage of technology. We read blogs instead of newspapers since we don’t have much time. Because we are busier with YouTube and other media, TV has become outdated. What value will offline marketing still have for businesses with so many people using the internet?And for that reason, a digital marketer’s role is crucial.

Digital Marketing Programs

Digital Marketing Programs

One of the most coveted careers nowadays is in digital marketing programs. Because you only need a graduation degree in any stream, no special degree is required. You can learn everything you need to know about becoming a digital marketer at your desk thanks to a variety of online and offline courses. Although the courses are brief, they are also reasonably priced. Online free and paid courses offer a wealth of information, and you can obtain certification by passing specific certified exams.

Every day, new courses are added, which is beneficial for keeping you current. There is never a shortage of things to learn because the digital marketing sector is evolving so quickly. The ones who have been in the sector for a long time, in addition to newcomers and working professionals, keep an eye on new content to keep themselves informed. Once you have completed your fundamentals, you can select courses based on your needs. Every digital marketing programs should take the top five courses listed in this article, which we are sharing today. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned professional, if you haven’t chosen this course yet, do so right away.

Certification for Google Adwords

Google continues to be the biggest and most flexible pay per click network. The importance of Google Adwords certification is obvious from the name alone. You become a more knowledgeable and trustworthy digital marketer as a result. The qualification adds a lot of value to your resume. Google offers the certification for free, but because the exam is difficult, you must study the course material. There are numerous online courses that can be used to practise and master the ideas. They help you every step of the way, and some of them even give you lifetime access. You must take the exam after studying the course material, and Google will award you a certificate if you do.


Course on Google Analytics

In marketing, it’s important to regularly evaluate your performance. Campaign analysis reveals the value of your outcomes in relation to the time and money you committed. The use of Google analytics tools is well known for helping you to comprehend the results of your work. But not everyone can easily access the best features of these potent instruments. A professional should be aware of the steps involved in creating an account, using advanced features to gather data, processing the analysis, and configuring. In addition to numerous other sources offering both free and paid courses, Google also offers the course content for free.

Certified Inbound

Learning terminology like sales funnel, blogging, SEO, landing sites, lead generation, conversion interpretation, content marketing, social media management, and email marketing is crucial for a digital marketer. You can access the course material online from a number of reputable digital marketers as well as enrol in offline classes. By developing infographics and presentations, the online classes explain everything much like a traditional classroom.

Training in Social Marketing

The largest marketing channel available now is social media. To reach potential customers, marketers use Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, and other social media platforms. However, managing social media to get meaningful client support is not an easy task, just like marketing is not an easy one. Time and expertise are required for profile optimization, reaching the proper audience, controlling strategy, producing content, managing campaigns, and other crucial tasks. The courses teach you how to use social media to promote your client’s business and attract clients. If you blog, the course is also beneficial to you. Typically, this marketing course is broken up into six sections for easier comprehension.


Specialist in digital marketing

The emphasis of this digital marketing course is on all facets of the field. For simplicity, the race is typically broken down into five sections. Social media marketing, mobile marketing, pay-per-click advertising, digital analytics, conversion optimization, email marketing, SEO, and content marketing are among the topics covered in the course. The cost of the course is typically slightly higher than that of many other courses. However, the cost seems much less than a regular degree when you consider the advantages and the depth of knowledge you gain.

Also Read: Start Learning Quora Course To Get Helps In Marketing Field

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